I'm renovating my blog (again). You will see a few changes in the coming week. So please bear with me :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

UNC Graduation Ceremony

We were happy to be there for Cuz Bushra when she proudly graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Nael fell asleep pretty much after we had settled down and stayed asleep throughout the ceremony.
So, Ryad had all the fun and pictures taken:). The day was perfect and I got a few good captures from the ceremony.

Ryad had loads of fun cheering for the young graduates.

Not to mention balancing on the bleachers!!!

It was great sitting with everyone but Ryad wanted some more *room*

Soon we moved to a vacant section, which was like our own personal stadium.
A free flying balloon, choosing it's path of journey just like the young UNC graduates:)

The young blue, tossing their tassels:) This moment always gets me. This picture is from far away though.

I took the liberty of peeping down and clicking this one :)


  1. Your pictures are so amazing!!!!! Thank you for your comment on Mama's Little Chick!

    Come visit my Wednesday post. I am passing on an award to you!! Yippey!! You deserve it!

    Mama Hen

  2. @ Mama Hen - Yippey indeed!! Thank you so much for your appreciation:)

    @Paper Mama - Thank you for your comment and your visit:)

  3. Great color splash at the bottom! ;) I also love the black and whites of Ryad, he looks so grown-up.

  4. @ Amy - Hehe, I knew you would like that one:)
    Does Ryad look like he is a couple of days short of 18 months?
    My babies have grown up all of the sudden, not sure how I feel about that though!

  5. That tarheel (is that how you spell it?) blue is beautiful! While I'm not a UNC alum, I appreciate their great choice of colors!

  6. Aaawww, what a happy little fellow! cutie..

  7. He is just adorable! And those photos are really cool. Especially the one with the umbrella in color!



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I started blogging only after my twin boys turned a year old. Here I am recapturing the special moments and attempting to create new ones that make my life even more amazing. Why I didn't start before this? Well, I was busy traveling and discovering the fun life with twins and also catching up on my sleep when I got the time.


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